Clients served by The Catalyst Foundation through our Intensive Case Management Services Program for Housing for Health are homeless and have a chronic illness or physical disability and/or are “high users” of Los Angeles County Department of Health Services programs. The ICMS Program forms the core of services provided to our clients in permanent supportive housing.

Maria didn’t expect to be in a housing crisis, not after a lifetime of productive work in the medical field, not after paying her taxes and always doing the right thing, but that’s what happened. As everyone in these kinds of situations, her story is both unique and all too common at the same time. The untimely death of a partner, mounting medical expenses, rapidly drained retirement accounts, and a landlord’s decision to raise the rent resulting in impending homelessness. Frantically asking around for help, a close friend told her about a local nonprofit. This is the great, sad, and the mostly untold story of our time, the dislocation of too many vulnerable people. And it’s one of the many problems that The Catalyst Foundation addresses.

Perla is one of our Intensive Case Managers, a young woman with high ideals, a ferocious work ethic, and a profound commitment to helping others. When Perla was assigned to work on Maria’s case, she knew exactly what to do. “I accessed the resources that are available, and I used the training I’ve received from our Senior Intensive Case Manager, Joanna.” But Perla did what isn’t the norm for most situations like this, she made Maria’s problems her problems. “I take this home with me.” That’s Perla’s commitment to her clients, and it’s The Catalyst Foundation’s commitment, too. 

Maria is like many of our new clients in another way; she’s a referral from one of our former clients. In our 25+ years of service to the Antelope Valley, we’ve always been proud of our track record with our clients and grateful for their loyalty to us and what we do. We all take our clients’ issues home with us. As Joanna likes to say, “You’ve got to have a heart for this kind of work.” Our clients come to us in desperate situations, often already homeless, usually stressed and afraid. We work to smooth the way and alleviate their suffering before we do anything else. We treat our clients like our family because we believe they are our family.

 Perla and Maria are connected now in a profound way. On a recent visit to The Catalyst Foundation’s offices, Perla was talking to Maria about her ongoing education in the medical field. Maria, a retired nurse, offered Perla advice like an older friend and advisor. Their affection was obvious and heartwarming. Maria lives in her own place now, in a stable situation that allowed her to keep her beloved pets and regain her peace of mind. Perla had some paperwork for Maria to sign.
Maria will tell you that The Catalyst Foundation rescued her, and we’re honored to be so appreciated. We believe that helping people like Maria helps us, no less. What we do for our fellow men and women rescues all of us from a hardhearted society. That’s why we do this work.

Our ICMS Case Managers assist their clients at every stage of the housing stabilization process, which often requires multiple contacts each week or, in some cases, each day. ICMS services include developing a professional and compassionate relationship with clients. Our Case Managers also provide housing and location services, conduct regular in-person home visits, ensure that their clients are linked to health, mental health, and substance use services as needed, and assist clients with obtaining benefits, and educational opportunities. We also assist clients with maintaining medication and treatment regimens including accompanying clients to appointments with various health care providers. The ICMS Program follows The Catalyst Foundation’s core approach of “whatever it takes” to ensure that our clients have the tools to improve their lives. Ultimately, we assist clients with whatever is necessary to support their health, well-being, and happiness. 

Intensive Case Management Services (ICMS)

​547 West Lancaster Blvd. Lancaster, CA 93534  

P (661) 948-8559 F (661) 942-0738